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Saturday 30 August 2008

What's New - Nikon D90

Nikon has announced the release of the D90, 12.3 megapixels, live view, 3 inch screen and VIDEO . Yes, VIDEO, with sound. It kinda seems weird for a SLR camera to come with video, but I guess why not. 24FPS may not give you the smoothness of a real video, but with the D90 you can adjust your Depth of Field, and that's something you can't do with your average camcorder. One limiting factor with the video mode is how long can you video without overheating your sensor.

Digital Camera Warehouse has it listed for pre-order (delivery mid/late Sept) for $1300 body only.

Full Specifications Here

Colac Camera Club Judging Seminar

Thank you to Colac Camera Club and VAPS for organising such a great weekend. It was educational, inspirational and most importantly fun. Congratulations to all involved. Looking forward to the next one.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Western District Muzzle Loaders Club

On the 16th of August Les Lockland and John Culver accompanied the Western District Muzzle Loaders Club to the Simpson Gun Range for their "Wet to the Arse" competition. Various competitions and skill firing were conducted. Shooters work in pairs, making their way through a very wet forest and creek beds to seek out hidden targets. Points are awarded for their observation and accuracy. Many of the participants dress in official 1800's clothing. The shooters really have a great time, but safety is paramount. Around 30 shooters entered this years competition.

Specifications of the guns:-
19mm bore - gun powder
26 mm bore - gun powder
Flint strike and cap firing mechanism.

Thank you Les for sharing some of your photos.

Monday 25 August 2008

TAFE Workshop with Richard Crawley

(Click on the image to enlarge)
I went to this workshop last year and it was great. In fact I'm going again this year. There is a mix of darkroom work and also basic ways to enhance your digital images using photoshop (CS3)

Warrnambool Show 24th - 26th October

Karen has requested volunteers to assist with the setting up of the displays and organizing the prints for the Warrnambool Show. You will need to be available for some time during the Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday before the show. Please support Karen with this as she had done a fantastic job in the past and now wished to pass the knowledge on to others. Remember many hands make light work.

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Tell us what you want, what you really, really want

What sort of workshops/club outings would you most like to see? Check out the poll and vote to let us know.

Full moon

The first few times I tried to take photos of the full moon all I got was a big white blob, but then I was told the secret magical setting .....iso 400, f 6.3, ss 1/640. Ignore the in camera meter, coz it will tell you it is way under-exposed, but hey, it seems to work. Here's my shot from last year using these settings at 200mm (and cropped a lot).
So show us your moon shots and if you have any magic settings, tips or hits for taking moon shots, let us know.

World Photography day

World Photography day is celebrated on the 19th of August to commemorate the first announcement of a photograph being made on August 19th, 1839. Photography is one of the most important inventions of the 19th century and has changed the way we see the world and record events. So lets celebrate.