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Tuesday 19 August 2008

Full moon

The first few times I tried to take photos of the full moon all I got was a big white blob, but then I was told the secret magical setting .....iso 400, f 6.3, ss 1/640. Ignore the in camera meter, coz it will tell you it is way under-exposed, but hey, it seems to work. Here's my shot from last year using these settings at 200mm (and cropped a lot).
So show us your moon shots and if you have any magic settings, tips or hits for taking moon shots, let us know.


DX said...

Nice shot. The moon is quite bright, you could try spot metering it or widely bracket. Of course with digital this isn't a problem as you get instant feedback. Since moon is at infinity f stop is not important. Long exposure can be a problem since the moon will move.

Kate H said...

Wow! Thanks for the secret formula (well to us amatuers anyway!) I will give it a try. Although I only have a zoom to 70mm, any suggestions there?

Patti said...

I'm keen to give the spot metering a go. I was discussing this with some one last week as to how you can take full moon shots with a compact digital camera. Spot metering was her suggestion too.

Zenmistress, there is of course only one need a longer lens ;) You can never have too many you know.