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Wednesday, 25 March 2009

South Western Interclub - Car pooling

Anyone wishing to car pool to Colac for the Interclub Day Outing to Aire Valley Redwood Forest (Saturday 28th March) met at KFC at 10am sharp. The meeting spot at Beech Forest is the open grassy spot near the toilet block.

Dinner is at 6pm at the Gellibrand hotel - if anyone would like to car pool to go down just for the dinner and judging please email me at

Friday, 20 March 2009

Blog Comments

Just to remind everyone you don't have to sign in or be a google member to leave a comment. Comments are open to anyone, so if you would like to leave a comment, just click the word COMMENTS at the bottom of the post. This will bring up the comments screen, type in your comment and at the bottom where it lists choose an identity, check the Name/URL circle, type your name and click Publish your Comment. Easy Peasy

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Photoshop quicktip #14

It is worth making the effort to learn some shortcuts. If you hover above tools in the drawing palate you are told some of them. Eg press V for move, C for crop, B for brush, H for hand. Some tools have more than one item under them. Press shift and the letter cycles you through the options. It is definitely useful to learn the main ones. It also shows why you have to watch what you press on the keyboard.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Congratulations to John Culver

Congratulations to John for being awarded a merit in the 2009 Ballarat National Photography Competition. This is an outstounding achievement as only 5 or 6 merits are awarded in each section and the standard of this competition is extremely high.

Check out the gallery of winning entries Ballarat Nationals . Amazing work.

Well Done John.

Friday, 6 March 2009

State Volunteer Fire Brigade Champonships

Torchlight Parade - Club members are meeting at 7:45 pm on Saturday 7th March at the Art Gallery.

The CFA has contacted Les requesting if an Camera Club members would be available to take photos of the official opening (9am Saturday) and the closing presentations (2pm Monday). They would appreciate any help you could provide as their photographer cannot be there at these times. So if you are at the event taking photos and you would like to help out please have a talk to Henry Barton in the brown judges box and let him know you are from the camera club.

March Competition Results

Small Print Open

  1. John Culver
  2. John Culver
  3. John Culver
Small Print Set Subject - Low Light/Night
  1. John Culver
  2. John Culver
  3. John Culver
Colour Print Open

'Street Art' - Patti Vallance

  1. Patti Vallance
  2. Kate Hope
  3. John Culver
Colour Print Set Subject - Low Light/Night
  1. Graham Dixon
  2. Kate Hope
  3. Patti Vallance

Monochome Print Open
No Entries

Monochome Print Set Subject - Low Light/Night

  1. Graham Dixon
  2. Patti Vallance
  3. Grahan Dixon


No Entries

More images to be added so watch this space

Set subject for May (photos to be in at the April Meeting) is 'Curves'

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

What's on This Month

I have added a section to list events that members may wish to photograph. Here are a few of the things on this weekend.

March 7th - 9th
Port Fairy Folk Festival In addition to the main ticketed program, the festival presents a full weekend of open access events in the village centre. These include the Festival of The Streets with four stages: Fiddlers Green, Railway Stage, The Edge Stage at the Community Centre, The frINge Festival Stage at the Surf Club, Markets and Food Festival, Buskers, Sessions, Singalongs, Street Performances and much more.

126th Annual Volunteer Fire Brigades State Championships.
LOCATION: Friendly Societies Park, Koroit Street, WARRNAMBOOL.
Les has spoken to the organisers about special access for Camera Club members. More details will be available at the next meeting (5th march) or phone Les.

Firebrigade Championship Torchlight ProcessionAs part of the competition a Torchlight Procession is to be held in the CBD on Saturday March 7th 8:30-9:30pm. 1,500 CFA volunteers will march in the torchlight procession finishing at the civic green. The route is from the Parkers carpark, north along Liebig street, left into Lava, left into Kepler, left into Koroit, right into Liebig street and then south to the Civic Green.

Obedience/Agility/Jumping Dog Trials 7th -8th March 8.30am-3pm. Competitors compete with their dogs (pure breds and cross breeds registered with a state Canine Association) in obedience and agility/jumping. Levels in obedience from Community Companion Dog through to Utility Class the highest level, and Agility/Jumping classes all levels. A great spectator sport.LOCATION: Harris Street Reserve, Harris Street, WARRNAMBOOL.

Warrnambool Field and Game Clay Target Shooting Date: 8 March
10.00am. 100 Targets - Duck Opening Special.LOCATION: "The Wickham", Wickham Road, Woolsthorpe (30km NW of Warrnambool).CONTACT NAME: Simon Gunther PHONE: 0400 577 588WEB:

Photography Exhibitions

I have added a new section for photography exhibitions. Please email me if you know of any up coming exhibitions.

The Camera Club is wanting to organise a day trip to Ballarat to view the two exhibitions currently at the Art Gallery. Details will be worked out at the next meeting (5th March), so please have a think about what days suit you.

Monday, 2 March 2009

APCS Photographic Market

(click image to enlarge)

APCS conducts a Photographic Market twice a year and the return to a March date means we attract the many students we missed last year. This will be a big event!
Many Photographic industry wholesalers as well as retailers, photographers and private dealers, take advantage of our Market to clean out the back room. As well as the general public, collectors and photographers of all levels, we attract a large number of students & artists who are looking for equipment and supplies for all formats, including movie, video and digital. The popularity of Digital SLR’s has made many older interchangeable lenses and accessories quite sought after.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Photoshop quicktip #13

This is a great tip !!! I only just discovered it a few weeks ago, if you ever do a collage it is an absolute must.
Have you ever been frustrated moving to the various layers when making a collage or not sure which is which? Simply have the move tool selected (V) then ctrl click on the desired picture to make it the current layer. Now just click and drag to shift.