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Friday, 26 February 2010

Dtown TV is back

Last year this was a weekly video series that featured items of interest for Nikon users. This year they have a new series that would be of interest to all photographers. Well worth a look.
Click on the heading or here (

Thursday, 25 February 2010

March Monthly Meeting Set Subject - BLING

The next monthly meeting is on Thursday 4th March at 7:30.

Mark Williams will be presenting a photoshop mini workshop. He will be showing a few basic photoshop techniques to enhance your images.

The set subject due is BLING.

What is BLING
Bling (or Bling-Bling) is a slang term referring flashy or elaborate jewelry or accessories.
It is the imaginary 'sound' that light makes when it hits diamonds.

Here are a few examples

Then there is this kind of BLING

Don't forget there is also an open subject category in each section also.

The club will be holding a BBQ at Bunnings on the 13th march. This is a major fund raiser for the club. We still have a few spots to fill, so if you can spare a few hours on the day please see Craig to add your name to the roster.