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Friday 25 September 2009

HDR workshop.

Don't forget the HDR workshop on Saturday 3rd Oct. Postponed. New date 24th Oct

What is HDR?

HDR means ‘High Dynamic Range’. Using software like Photomatix you can create images with more detail in the highlights and shadows than you can with a normal photo from today’s digital cameras. It’s similar to the old technique of exposure blending. Taking one photo for the sky and one for the ground, then merging them both together allows you to create some unique photos. You can use it carefully to create natural looking photos or you can use it creatively to create atmospheric and emotive photos. The choice is yours as to how you process the end result.
Program for Saturday

12 – 1pm We will start with a quick overview of what HDR is and go over the process required to capture images on your camera. This will involve looking at how to set your camera to bracket for 3-5 different exposures.
1-2.30pm We will go to a nearby location and take a series of photos.
2.30 – 4pm Time to see the magic come alive!! Using the photomatix program we will process our images and experiment with producing different styles of images.

What to Bring...

· Your camera and a tripod if you have one. I will bring my two tripods though if anyone wants to borrow them. A tripod is very helpful; to make sure your 3 images are exactly the same when you merge them.
· If you have a laptop and are able to download a free trial version of the ‘photomatix’ software program this would be very helpful. No drama’s if not though I will put it all up on the big screen!!
· A free trial version of ‘photomatix’ can be downloaded super easily from
More examples of HDR can be seen here

1 comment:

Roger said...

Excellent program Kate. Good Luck with the workshop. I'd love to be there but will be in Melb for family event that weekend. I encourage as many members as possible to be there. Cheers